Current donations give us the possibility to program campaigns and projects to protect the sea and its ecosystem.
© Marcello Di Francesco
Let’s treat them well

per month
Waste can become a valuable resource, but only if we treat it well without throwing it away, ignoring the consequences it may have on the environment. With 1 euro per day you can support our campaigns against plastic, batteries, tires and butts pollution.
Sea school

per month
New generations are our hope for the future. It will be up to them to worry about what will happen to the sea.
With 67 cents per day you can help to strengthen our commitment in Italian schools.
Sea is life

per month
The sea covers 71% of the planet, absorbs up to 1/3 of carbon dioxide emissions and produces over 50% of oxygen.
With only 50 cents per day, you will always be by our side to protect it.
© Marcello Di Francesco
Other ways you can donate
registered to Associazione Ambientalista Marevivo Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Iban IT63 B 05696 03208 000006394X34