Environmental education activities to discover the wonders of the sea
“Blue activities” is a project thought by MareVivo and realised with the support of “The Coca-Cola foundation”. Its main goal is to improve the knowledge of citizens, especially the younger ones, about the importance of sea protection through educational projects in schools as well as general initiatives in order to engage and foster any active participation of the overall community.
MareVivo’s operator involved in such project are well-known biologists and naturalists that thanks to their background carry forward educational activities for the general public.
With the students and teachers of the Comprehensive Institute A.Vespucci of Mount Procida, we organized three meetings in the fall of 2022 during which we constituted a Classroom logbook to document, argue, and register everything that is done and discovered during the project, a Personal Nature Diary to collect the emotions elicited by the contact with the sea and nature, and express freely and “secretly” the most intimate and personal reflections through a drawing, photo or poem. Finally, we constructed a Box of the Sea: a tale of life on the beach.
The outdoor activity took place on the beaches of Acquamorta, TorreGaveta, and Miniscola. It aimed at exploring and identifying the biodiversity of the habitats through research, collection, sorting, and discussion on the beached material.
The third meeting in class followed the theme of pollution, particularly on the possible sources of marine pollution and the damage caused by materials abandoned in the sea. A focus covered animals and sea plants, endemic species, protected, endangered, on the verge of extinction, and, finally, the oceanic seagrass. At the closing event, certificates of participation were handed out and the plastic bottle compacting machine donated to the school was inaugurated.
The monitoring of the Beach of the Lingua adopted by the students on the island of Procida continued. Also departed new projects that expect the realization of short sketches filmed by the kids to recommend diffusing the correct behaviors to adopt on the beach, and the project “Colours of our home” with younger kids that have the objective of discovering the infinite possibilities of the Mediterranean nature.
The project involves using simple techniques to extract pigments from the most common horticultural plants and a second phase in the spring, where extraction will take place from the flowers of the Mediterranean maquis, using more complex techniques.

Environmental education in Tuscany and Apulia
Environmental education in Tuscany and Apulia
More than two-hundreds kids joined together with their parents in a six days educative session on maritime environment, in some of the most amazing Italian locations (Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Gallipoli).
The opening
The 2021 edition, opened in Procida the 22th of April 2021 in parallel with the “Earth Day”, sets in place educational projects and operative procedures for citizens in order to allow them to protect the environment inside a proper institutional framework.
The Eco-Compactor
This year project focused on the importance of recycling and circular economy. Three eco-compactor were placed on the island of Procida that, when plastic is insert inside the device, emits coupons accepted in many different commercial activities present on the ground , included the public transportation service. Notably, on of this device is inside the building of the “Istituto Nautico Caracciolo2 and its utilisation will complete the educational pattern thought by Marevivo’s operator.
“For the island of Procida, Capital of Culture 2022, the installation of eco-compactors for plastic recycling represents a valid example of how to work to ameliorate the territory and respect the environment. The community, if equipped with the right stimuli, can actively contribute to improving the interception rate of plastic containers and increment the selective collection of packaging, to reach the ambitious objective of recycling in our country.”
Raimondo Ambrosino, Mayor of Procida
The video assembled on the compacting machines

The information poster on compactors in Procida
The manifests posted on the island to inform the citizens.
I “Blue Days” di Marevivo sulle spiagge della Campania
Il progetto ideato e realizzato da Marevivo, ha come obiettivo principale sensibilizzare ed educare bambini e famiglie frequentatori delle spiagge campane, sul tema della tutela del mare e sul valore della conservazione di specie ed ecosistemi marini attraverso attività ludiche informative e di intrattenimento, con la partecipazione attiva e il coinvolgimento diretto.
E’ importante far conoscere l’importanza della tutela del mare e della spiaggia perché possiamo rispettare e proteggere solo ciò di cui conosciamo il valore. Gli operatori Marevivo sono biologi, naturalisti esperti di percorsi di edutainment che, durante l’attività, si avvalgono del supporto di materiale didattico divulgativo.
Il progetto è partito l’11 luglio 2020 e ha previsto la realizzazione di “Blue Days” sulle spiagge dedicate alla conoscenza del “mondo mare”.
Progetto "Blue Activities" di Marevivoper 600 studenti dell’isola
The project thought by Marevivo concerns about 600 primary school students on the island of Procida. It entails awareness-raising activities on the issue of the protection of the sea and the value of the conservation of marine species and ecosystems. The task of the children was to “adopt” small common areas (school garden, flowerbed, stretch beach, etc.) to take care of and use them as a study area over time.
An opportunity for young people to know the island, discover its beauties and learn of to protect it.
Exploring and learning
Some classes of the primary and secondary schools of the IC “Capraro” and the first classes of the I.I.S.S.S. “Francesco Caracciolo» are involved in the project. The objective of the session is the discovery and knowledge of their environment, through learning experiences in which they are stimulated to observe, reflect and creatively elaborate what they have learned.
The patronage
The course, which is sponsored by the City of Procida with the unconditional support of The Coca-Cola Foundation, involves students and teachers, led by Marevivo operators. One of the characteristics of the project is to facilitate the meeting with local experts.
Belonging to the territory
Widespread the culture and knowledge of territory is of fundamental importance to promote a sense of civic belonging that is one of the aims of the project. In particular for Procida and its naturalistic beauties can be the common thread for an extraordinary educational, innovative and exciting path.
600 students discovering their beautiful island
Exploring the island resources
Educational session with the students of the I.C. Capraro
The students of the “I.C. “Capraro” started the activities with the study of the coasts of the island, visiting both the sandy and the more discontinuous coasts. The first outings allowed the pupils to collect, according to a standard methodology, different beached material. The material is then studied in depth in the school laboratory.
In the third series of laboratory meetings, the samples collected in previous releases were analyzed to study the marine ecosystems present on the island. The day were supported by educational materials specially created. The outputs are always guided by experts and biologists.

The adopted beach
The experience of the ISS Caracciolo students
The first classes of the I.I.S.S. “Francesco Caracciolo” have “adopted” one of the beaches of the island “La Lingua“. The project foresees that the students periodically carry out precise photographic surveys in order to acquire, through the scientific method of analysis and sampling, data and information along a precise time span. In addition, the commitment to carry out periodic cleaning and creation of information panels, in various languages, that will tell the characteristics of the beach itself and enhance its peculiarities. At the same time, to have a complete view of all the natural elements characterising the beach adopted, students will be guided by Marevivo operators to the knowledge of the geological and plant characteristics present.
To side of the Association once again the Body of Capitaneria di Porto, the Italian Navy, the Protected Marine Area “Kingdom of Neptune” that together with the Zoological Station “A. Dohrn”will guarantee the consolidated collaboration in environmental education and sustainability activities that Marevivo has been carrying out for over 30 years.
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The educational material

Covid emergency |The project continues with online video lessons
Coronavirus emergency doesn’t stop Blue Activities. To overcome the difficulties related to the schools closures, the operators of environmental education of Marevivo, in agreement with the School Managers of the institutes involved, have carried forward virtual educational activities that, through the various digital platforms made available by the schools, will be conveyed to the pupils involved in the project. With lightness and a touch of joy the students will be virtually guided by the experts of Marevivo to discover the treasures that a beach hides, they can improvise archaeologists for a day, deepen the importance of biodiversity through the knowledge of Posidonia and shells, understand the phenomena of bioluminescence and confront some of the threats to the marine ecosystem such as the invasion of alien species.

The work of the students in Procida
Blue Activities
The project to discover the sea with the support of