The countdown indicating how much time remains for the Earth to save itself from climate change marks the“point of no return” and reminds us that we have less than 7 years to succeed in the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and saving the planet’s upset climate by spreading renewable energy projects.
Given this Marevivo intends to carry out Sun, Wind and Sea campaign-renewable energies in the smaller islands and in the Marine Protected Areas for the Ecological Transition.
Countdown – point of no return for planet Earth
From official website Climateclock.World

The campaign was set up in 2008 to promote innovative projects and ideas for energy production from renewable sources and other sustainable technologies for the smaller islands and Marine protected Areas. The aim is to launch a Campaign involving three notifications of a competition directed to the attention of individual designers and students and is characterized by the intention of improving environmental qualities and respect for the landscape.
Involve and sensitize the island communities as the smaller islands are ideal places for the developmento of sustainable policies that address the problem of sea management and related activities.
Spreading results of projects carried out that represent a replicable model characterized by the integration of renewable energy sources within the context of this Ecological Transition.
Confirm the strategic role of the territories of smaller islands for this Energy Transition. Identify cases where environmental and economic sustainability coexist in line with the recovery fund.Help in reducing greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030.
Through webinars spread knowledge on the subject of renewable energy and of its plans from an environmental and economic point of view, involving institutions, companies, associations and the world of politics.
Watch the webinars
Sole Vento Mare has taken place in Salina on september 10th 2021 as part of the Green Salina Energy Days event (download the program) and as part of the Salina ‘Isola Pilota’ initiative of the European Union, towards the transition to clean energy and sustainability by 2030, of which Marevivo is a partner. It constitutes one of the actions conidered by the “Road Map “(developed to indicate a virtuous path towards greater sustainability and self-sufficiency.
The goal of the 2021 edition is to identify, select and reward projects of sustainable energy systems at an international level that have the right characteristics for integrating renewable energy technologies, eco-systemic approaches in line with the objectives of the Ecological Transition.
The award ceremony of the selected international projectswas held on the evening of the 10th september at teatro Cavea in Punta Megna di Leni, in line with the goals of the ecological transition.

The path leading to the winners
The Technical Secretariat
Amongst 80 projects selected from all over the world, the Tecnical Secretariat, made up of experts (with specific expertise in the areas of interest of the award), identified 23 projects to be submitted to the Selection Committee for the final eveluation and the prize award.
The Selection Committee
It continues with the detailed examination, of the characteristics of the project identified by the technical secretariat, in order to select the 6 final candidates (nominations) to be submitted to two juries.
The choice of the winners
The juries choose the winners according to the elements that make the energy systems replicable in terms of design, implemenation and best practice.
The prizes
Prize A
To Bornholm in Denmark and the island of Tilos in Greece.
An 'ex aequo', for prize A, for the best sustainable energy system in which a decisive use of renewable energy sources is achieved with attention to respect for ecosystems and socio-economic development of the territory.
Prize B
The B award for the best sustainable energy system with particular atention to respect for the environment and landscape goes to the island of Samsø in Denmark.
The Ancim prize
The Ancim award ( National Association of Municipalities of the Minor Islands) was awarded to the island of Aran in Ireland as the best energy system in which the key role played by resident communities, in the preparation for local sustainable development plans, is emphasized.
The Special award
The special prize was awarded to the very small local communities of the islands of Canna in Scotland and Palawan in the Philippines.
The Juries
Chaired by Rosalba Giugni, Presidente Marevivo e composta da: Alessandra Todde – Vice Ministra Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico; Laura D’Aprile – Capo Dipartimento Ministero della Transizione Ecologica; Livio De Santoli – Presidente del Comitato di selezione, Prorettore dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”; Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio – Presidente Fondazione Univerde; Ermete Realacci – Presidente della Fondazione Symbola; Edo Ronchi – Presidente Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile; Francesco Cappello – Promotore Salina Isola Pilota 2019
The Jury of ANCIM prize is chaired by the mayors of: Giglio, Ventotene, Leni, Malfa e Santa Marina Salina.
Available Videos
Carlo Tricoli
Coordinatore Settore Energia Marevivo
Livio De Santoli
Presidente del Comitato di selezione, Prorettore dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio
Presidente Fondazione Univerde
Andrea Porchera
Relazioni istituzionali Renexia SPA
A further element in support of circular economy is the new device Green Plasma designed by the IRIS srl which is able to produce clean electricity energy using up waste as source.
Program of the awards ceremony
The prize has been organized together with

Have a look at previous editions
Categoria A – Tipologia I
Terzo Classificato: Agosti Chiara – (“Riserva Naturale Isole dello Stagnone di Marsala”)
MotivationThe Jury believes to attribute particular attention to this project with reference to tha analysis of the territory from an environmental and social perspective and for the proposal of a wind microgeneration component showing innovative design and multyfunctional capacities to be used within a natutalistic path, such as bike parking area, recharge of portable devices, shading canopies, information pannels etc…..
Categoria B – Tipologia I
Primo Classificato: Costen S.r.l. – (“Wind Trees”)
Motivation: the idea is characterized by the fact of having transformed a need (port entry signal towers) into an opportunity (element of wind capture) thanks to an object of innovative design, that if inserted within a landscape context, could provide energy even for harbors utilities.
Categoria B – Tipologia II
Primo Classificato: RICCISPAINI Architetti Associati S.r.l. (“ECODEHOR”)
Motivation: valuable project to be inserted within B-II category, that provides the realization of manufactured goods for the benefit of port and/or tourism services, generated by renewable energy (tidal, solar thermal), within a difficult context but creating opportunities for redevelopment. Repeatable also in furher contexts the technological solution that foresees the integration (with a catchment chamber) of the OWC system in piers.
Categoria B – Tipologia II
Secondo Classificato: Gruppo UNIPR (“E-Piers” – Isola di Palmaria)
Motivation: the project taken into examination can be appreciated because it uses existing manufatured products such as piers to produce energy thanks to an already proven technology based on tidal motion. The integration within the landscape should be worth of futher attention given a choice of materials.
Categoria B – Tipologia I
Primo Classificato: Gruppo Pandolfo – (“Pettine di Venere”)
Useful and Innovative element of urban kind of style that can be inserted in typical contexts of seaside resorts.
Secondo Classificato – Gruppo Sartogo Architetti Associati – Associazione professionale (“Le lune di Capri”)
Re-useable classical Urban style elements such as a street lamp thanks to simple and innovative energy saving technologies.
Categoria B – Tipologia II
Primo Classificato: Gruppo Colarossi – COFFICE Studio di Architettura e Urbanistica (Pensiline aree portuali)
Photovoltaic panels connected and supported by structures of innovative design that may be inserted in port contexts.
Categoria B – Tipologia III
Primo Classificato – Gruppo Pardi (Sistema impiantistico per l’isola di Capraia)
Installation for energy consumption of Capraia island, integrating various renewable sources. First of all the solar energy exploiting the morphology as well as the culture and history of the island.
Secondo Classificato – Gruppo Sartogo Architetti Associati – Associazione professionale (“I numeri di via Krupp”)
Sistema di illuminazione “lineare” della Via Krupp di Capri, percorso naturale di particolare pregio paesaggistico.
Categoria C – Tipologia II
Primo Classificato: DYAQUA Art Studio (Componenti fotovoltaici)
new buildings that may be campuflaged in prestigious surroundings using architectural integration of photovoltaics.
Marevivo has set up in the island of Capri in october 2008 a conference for a more efficient use of the island energy system.A three-year memorandum of understanding has been signed 2010- 2013 between: Marevivo, Ministero dei Beni Culturali, Ministero dell’Ambiente, GSE, ENEA, CITERA-Università di Roma La Sapienza that includes the realization of an international challenge of ideas for students, designers and firms. This competition aims at encouraging the research of solutions in order to combine the use of renewable energy installations within the architecture and mediterranean landscape.