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Only One“: because everything is one, one Planet, one Ocean, one Health. This is the message that Marevivo, in collaboration with the Italian Navy and Fondazione Dohrn, is promoting through a travelling campaign on board the training ship Palinuro of the Italian Navy, to raise awareness among citizens and institutions about the urgency of an ecological transition.

During the stop at the Port of Messina,  the environmental geologist Giovanni Randazzo, the marine biologist Nancy Spanò, and the journalist Mario Primo Cavaleri discussed about this topic as guests of the Admiral Aurelio De Carolis – Commander-in-Chief of the naval team – and Captain of the Palinuro ship, Frigate Captain Mario Esposito, who introduced the meeting.

In addition to Marevivo General Director, Carmen Di Penta, the Mayor of the City of Messina, Federico Basile, attended the event, together with the Commander of the Port of Messina Giacomo Cirillo, the Commander of the Naval Base Paolo Florentino, the Director of the Arsenal Pierpaolo Chiappini, the Member of Parliament Eliana Longi, as well as regional officials and representatives of local institutions.

On board the ship, the panels of Marevivo’s exhibition “Only One” covering four main themes: the defense of biodiversity, energy transition, food transition, and circular economy. These topics were discussed during the event with the aim of contributing to raising more awareness on the fact that our health – just like the health of all living beings – depends on the harmony between Humans and Nature.

Admiral De Carolis emphasized the need for a more widespread ecological culture, an effort that the Italian Navy intends to maintain and enhance through initiatives like Marevivo’s, which aim to promote greater social awareness for the defense of natural resources and sustainable development.

A real and radical change is necessary to address pollution and the ecological conversion of the production sector with long-term programs. Humanity is facing a challenge, and everyone – especially politics – has the duty to contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change, now present worldwide and capable of influencing even the smallest of our daily activities.

Only through awareness can we hope to face the challenging future ahead for humanity. Droughts and floods, two sides of the same coin, are products of climate change that we must find a solution for, to mitigate their effects and at the same time, to implement ecological transition.” said the General Director of Marevivo, Carmen Di Penta.

Coming from La Maddalena and en route to the next stop in Valletta, the training ship will depart from Messina today, for its journey around the Mediterranean.