Project funded by the European Commission within the ERASMUS+ Programme (2021-2027)
On June 15, the “Ride the Wave” project officially kicked off, funded by the European Erasmus + 2021-2027 program and coordinated by the Italian association Marevivo onlus.
The project, presented and approved by INDIRE, the Italian National Agency referee for Erasmus programs for Schools, sees the participation of 4 Italian and Greek partners actively engaged in the protection of the sea and in the dissemination of knowledge of its importance in the fight against climate change and for the conservation of biodiversity on the planet.
Other beneficiaries of the initiative are:
- HELMEPA- Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association,
- the Italian Nautical Institute “R. Del Rosso-G. Da Verrazzano” of Porto Santo Stefano (Grosseto, Italy)
- 1st Vocational High School of Konistres (Evia, Greece).
During the kick-off meeting, which took place online, were presented the project in detail, the activities that each partner will have to carry out, the rules to follow in the framework of the Erasmus + Program 2021-2027 and the opportunities for young people offered by the Blue Economy.
Discussion has begun on how to introduce into the school curricula of European Technical Nautical Institutes, the topics of the so-called Ocean & Climate Literacy which allow us to have a more scientifically correct understanding of the role that oceans and seas have for the planet, in the fight against climate change, for the conservation of biodiversity and for the health of all.
The project will end in August 2023, the activities for schools are starting from the next school year. The second meeting between the partners is scheduled for next week.
We will keep you informed on how the project is going and its development, keep following us!