This year too will witness the national environmental education activities carried out by Marevivo: the project “Dolphins Guardians of the Island”, thought for primary schools of the Italian minor islands, and the project “NauticiinBlu” for students of Italian nautical institutes, both with the aim of concretely supporting educational institutions in order to educate young generations to the challenges and urgent changes and preparing them to give way to a true ecological transition. UNESCO also states: “Education has an enormous transformative power: it is an essential tool for promoting sustainable development and can help transform habits and mentalities.”
For this edition, will be about 3500 students and students of all levels and levels involved, on 11 islands and 20 cities throughout Italy – from Liguria to Sicily, including minor islands – in educational programs for the environment and sustainability, with a program of outdoor and indoor activities, designed to involve children in a path of deepening the knowledge of their territory and the main environmental emergencies and to increase the baggage of ethical and scientific knowledge of young people, future workers of the sea.
From the impact study carried out for the first time on our environmental education projects carried out by the University Consortium for Socio-economic Research and the Environment (CURSA) there was a tangible improvement in students’ knowledge of the marine environment and pro environmental behaviour.
The education to the environment and to the sustainability is more and more a central topic in our society that is found to face important challenges – the President of Marevivo declares, Rosalba Giugni – “With our projects NauticinBlu and Dolphins Guardians of the Island we want to offer students the opportunity to acquire, from an early age, knowledge and skills to help protect the marine environment. Thanks to the invaluable collaboration with educational institutions we can work to promote greater awareness and responsibility in order to create a Blue Generation that should be able to live on the planet in a more sustainable way, fair and just.”
Both sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, the projects are made possible thanks to the consolidated support of the MSC Foundation, main Donor – which first supported the project for the nautical institutes since the initial edition.
MSC and Marevivo work together from 2014 in order to promote initiatives in the schools and on board of ships MSC Cruises where thousands of children are involved the year in educational activity – the Director of the MSC Foundation Daniela Picco declares – We support these plans from the beginning and we provide the know-howhow and the long seafaring tradition of the Group to sensitize students of the Italian Nautical Institutes who are the protagonists of the sea of tomorrow to protect our planet. With our continued support, we have helped to reach almost 11,000 primary and high school students.»
Per l’anno scolastico in corso, “Delfini Guardiani dell’Isola” coinvolgerà circa 1500 alunni e alunne con i rispettivi docenti e dirigenti degli IC “Sandro Pertini” e “Giosuè Carducci” all’Isola d’Elba, degli IC “Isole Eolie” e “Lipari Santa Lucia” sulle Isole Eolie, dell’IC “Antonino Rallo” to the Egadi Islands, of the IC “S. Profeta” to Ustica and of the IC “Primo Milazzo”, “Secondo Milazzo” and “Terzo Milazzo” in the homonymous city. Just as in previous editions, there are activities of knowledge of its territory for students participating in the first year, while the second and third year classes of the project will be guided by Marevivo operators to the knowledge of the main emergencies that threaten the marine environment and the role that even the smallest citizens can have in the path to change. The project relies, at national level, the collaboration of the Navy and the Body of the Harbour Offices, the patronage of CUTFAA (Command Unit for Forest Protection, Environmental and Agri-Food Carabinieri-Forestry), of Federparchi, and at local level of the support of Liberty Lines and Siremar – caronte&tourist, the patronage of the Municipalities of Capoliveri, Favignana, Milazzo, Leni, Lipari, Malfa, Portoferraio, Santa Marina Salina and Ustica, the Egadi Marine Protected Areas. On Elba Island you can also count on the support of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.
“NauticinBlu” instead will involve about 1000 students in four days of full immersion, both in classroom and outdoors, during which experts and operators of Marevivo will accompany boys and girls in a path of knowledge about marine ecosystem and its resources. The initiative has been a great success over the years: from the last questionnaire students found that, on a sample of average age around 16 years, 96% of respondents said they have grown a lot thanks to “NauticinBlu”both from a didactic and a personal and human point of view. the plan will land in the cities of Genoa, La Spezia, Viareggio, Palermo, Bari, Trieste, Milazzo, Ancona, Civitavecchia, Sorrento, Bagnoli, Catania, Porto Empedocle, Trapani, Sciacca, Messina and this year will assume an international breath, with the involvement of over 150 students from two Spanish nautical institutes in the city of Barcelona. The plan is moreover supported by Grimaldi Lines and the Group Caronte&tourist and it takes advantage, to national level, of the collaboration of the Body of the Harbour offices, of the CONISMA (Consortium Interuniversitario of the Sciences of the Sea), of the Consortium Castalia Antinquinamento and, at the local level, the nature reserves of the territories affected by the project, the Regional Environmental Protection Agencies, the INGV of La Spezia in Liguria and the patronage of the Municipality of Procida.