Each and every one of us should do something to protect the sea

What can we do to diminish the pollution of the sea and of the environment around us? We are continually under pressure due to the environmental emergency and often ask ourselves how can we really become the protagonists of a change that our planet urgently requires.
With this awareness campaign: ‘each of us can do something to defend the sea’, Marevivo wants to draw attention precisely on the importance of small routine habits, even simple ones, which if multiplied over time become vital.. For example, producing less waste, collecting it and recycling it correctly are responsible actions that can lead to save the sea.

We cannot ignore that 280 million tons of plastic are produced every year in the world and, according to various research, it is estimated that over 10% ends up precisely in the sea! It is as if, every minute, a truck expels its waste into the water. It is predicted that in 2050 the tons produced will be 400 million.
Datas can be discouraging, however Marevivo, that for decades fights against pollution, doesn’t give up with #Emergensea,which originates from the precious alliance between organizations, companies, institutions and citizens united by this strong commitment to respect and protect the sea and its environment.
Today just 14% of plastic in the world is recycled. Only by applying a circular economy, together with the recovery and recycling of all the waste produced, can we hope to stop the pollution that is currently destroying our sea and putting at stake man’s survival on earth. Indeed, plastic waste can be transformed into a thousand lives, into different objects and forms.
In addition to leaflet handouts provided by the #EmergenSea Campaign, Marevivo promotes the installation of eco-compactors for plastic bottles.
Alessandro Preziosi for Marevivo
#EmergenSea in the Aeolian Islands
With the support of the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund, Blue Marine Foundation and Caronte & Tourist Group and thanks to the commitment of the administrations of Lipari and Malfa, local academic institutions and entrepreneurs, the #EmergenSea campaign in the Aeolian Islands has made proper recycling possible over 100 thousand plastic bottles collected involving hundreds of students, tourists and residents on the islands of Lipari, Vulcano, Panarea and Salina – Malfa Numerous local businesses have joined the campaign by offering discount coupons in the form of vouchers, issued by the compactors, to all those who make this virtuous gesture.
The island was our pilot project in 2018, when as part of #EmergenSea the “bottle-eating” machine that separates and compacts plastic bottles was successfully installed.
Correct recycling has allowed citizens to receive discount vouchers in all local businesses participating in the initiative: Bar Ritrovo La Latteria; Jewelery – Rita Subba Gift Items; the Garden of Lipari, Bar Papisca; The Aeolian House; Artesana; San Bartolo Winery and Dispensa and Marakanà Calcetto Lipari.
Since 2019 #EmergenSea has successfully diffused on three other islands of the Sicilian archipelago:
Citizens and tourists will be able to take their plastic bottles to the Supermarket to Pina in Via Comunale Mare from April to October, where the compactor has been inaugurated on April 23rd 2019. The vouchers they collect will be converted inside the supermarket itself in the manner indicated by the manager.
From May 10th 2019 an eco-compactor has been located in the Malfa complex of the Aeolian Islands Comprehensive Institute directed by the Principal Mirella Fanti, available to anyone who wishes to help the environment by bringing plastic bottles and receiving in exchange discount coupons to spend at the Supermarket Conad, the U’Cucuncio Restaurant Pizzeria or at the Malvasia Bar.
The Sapori & Dintorni Conad supermarket in Via Provinciale hosts the eco-compactor, conceived with a monitor that projects images and videos for raising awareness and informing about the importance of protecting the environment and the sea. The discount coupons printed by the machine will be redeemable inside the supermarket itself in the manner indicated by the manager

Awareness has been extended to all those who move using maritime transport. An alliance has been raised with several maritime companies with the result of bringing #Emergensea campaign on ships.
Passengers at the port and airport of Naples were also able to take advantage of the compacting machine for collecting plastic bottles and were informed and sensitized thanks to the communication campaign on leaflets and on large airport screens.