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The problem

By 2050 there will be more plastics in the sea than fishes.

Following an estimate by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. But we can still change the course of events.


tons of plastic wastes that end up in the Mediterranean everyday.


tons of plastic wastes that end up in the sea only in Italy.

A collaboration for the sea

No Plastic Pollution in the Sea is a campaign developed in collaboration with Gruppo Hera to support the LifeGate PlasticLess® project to combat pollution through the collection of plastic waste in the waters of harbors and nautical clubs through the installation of a Seabin, an innovative waste collection technology. The project also aims to promote a circular economy and consumption model to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, especially the most environmentally harmful such as plastics.

What is Seabin and how does it work

Seabin is a litter bin for collecting trash floating in surface water that can capture about 1.5 kilograms of debris per day, or more than 500 kilograms of trash per year (depending on weather and volumes of debris), including microplastics from 5 to 2 mm in diameter and 0.3 mm microfibers. Seabin will also be able to capture many common wastes that end up in the seas such as cigarette butts, which are unfortunately also very present in our waters.

Due to the spontaneous action of the wind, currents, and the strategic location of the basket, debris is conveyed directly into the unit. The water pump, attached to the base of the unit, is capable of treating 25,000 liters of seawater per hour.
The debris is captured in the bag, which can hold up to a maximum of 20kg, as the water flows through the pump and back into the sea.
When the bag is full, it is emptied and cleaned.

Are you an employee or a client of the Hera Group and you want to support our project?

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