Marevivo collaborates with the international association Ocean Conservancyfor the International Coastal Cleanup, an annual and global event to collect data on waste found on beaches around the world. Our goal is to contribute to the collection of data for the report on pollution that Ocean Conservancy publishes every year.
More than 12 million volunteers have collected 100 000 tons of waste worldwide
The International Coastal Cleanup is a project born more than 30 years ago to monitor the state of pollution of beaches, coasts but also lakes and rivers in different parts of the world and thus study the evolution and extent of the problem.
For example, the trend of the latest reports is significant: 2017 was the first year in which the top 10 of the waste found most often during cleaning consisted exclusively of plastic waste (including cigarette butts, whose filters contain plastic). Unfortunately, this trend continued in 2018 and 2019.
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How to safely participate in a cleanup with Marevivo or individually

Choose the location
Check the calendar of eventsorganized by Marevivo to find the cleanups closest to you. If you can’t find one, choose a beach easily accessible and from which you will have no difficulty in taking away the garbage bags.

Gather materials
Make sure to gave gloves and a reusable mask. We suggest to bring with you a hand sanitizer and a reusable water bottle. If you participate in an individual cleaning, also get the bags to recycle the objects.

Download Clean Swell APP
To send data to the Ocean Conservancy database, download the Clean Swell APP for free and follow these simple instructions. Be sure to “Allow” location services while using the app and write in the comments “Marevivo” so we know that you are one of ours!

Collect the garbages
Collect waste that pollutes the environment using gloves. Do not go to places that seem risky and do not touch objects if you are not comfortable with them. Take some pictures to document the cleanup!

Carefully remove gloves
After you finish collecting items, carefully remove gloves and wash hands and arms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Record data
Follow steps on the Clean Swell app to review and submit your data. Data automatically submit to the international database when you see a “Thank You!” screen.

Properly dispose the waste
It is very important to correctly recycle the garbage bags. Dispose of the bags properly, following the directions of the Municipality.

After the cleanup, sanitize all materials and tools used as masks, gloves, bins.
Join the International
Coastal Cleanup 2021
Join our ambassador Federico Morisio and the people all around the world that are participating to the global cleanup.