The #FridaysForFuture action started thanks to the Swedish demonstrator Greta Thunberg who for over a year skipped school every Friday to campaign in front of the Riksdag, the swedish parliament, with the aim of asking world governments to take immediate action for the future of the young generations and of the whole planet. Her determination convinced the youth around the world instigating a real collective mobilization that takes place every friday.
Marevivo supports not only the purpose but also the passion that has animated the souls around the world about the problem of climate change. For this reason we have joined the initiative with our volunteers, operators and supporters involving as many people as possible in #FridaysForFuture.
In the streets for the global climate strike
Schoolgirls went on stike every single friday to highlight the problem. The movement, which in a few months has considerably expanded, launched the “Global Climate Strikes”, in which we participated together with other volunteers from Rome and the rest of italy.
The appeal reaches the schools
Marevivo invited schools to join #FridaysForFuture. The children and teachers who joined this global movement participated with related activities, workshops, readings and events both inside and outside of the school. The goal was to involve not only children but also the little ones in the importance of protecting the planet and respecting its resources: it is never too early to concentrate on the sensitivity of the new generations !!