The secret to keeping alive the passion and the bond that unites every family is to carve out pleasant moments of discussion, dialogue and sharing.
This is why from 24 to 26 February we gathered for a three-day Convention in Naples – the city of the sea par excellence – among other things on the occasion of our 38th birthday, precisely because Marevivo is a great family, in every sense. Born from a family, it unites families who love the sea from generation to generation and transmits to thousands of boys and girls throughout the country the importance of respect for the environment, especially the sea.
The Marevivo 2023 Convention began on Friday afternoon with the first meeting of the year of the Scientific Committee. In the splendid setting of the Darwin Dorhn Museum, arm of the Zoological Station of Naples, lecturers and researchers from various scientific fields have sat around a working table and shared proposals on the main environmental emergencies for the actions that Marevivo can and will carry out to protect the sea and its resources.
Rosalba Giugni, President Marevivo, and Carmen Di Penta, General Manager, welcomed those present, underlining the importance of constant discussion with the Scientific Committee and the need to invest more and more on knowledge.
Moderated by Prof. Ferdinando Boero, President of the Dohrn Foundation and our Scientific Committee, as well as Vice President of Marevivo, all the members of the Committee offered their contribution, each for their technical/ scientific skills. Marine biologists, phytoplankton experts, seahorses and canyons, sustainable fishing experts, energy engineers who deal with water treatment plants have spoken. Professors and doctors also spoke about the problem of plastic and human health, journalists-reporters who photograph the state of health of the sea and that of lawyers and experts in the law of the sea who have given their availability to activate working groups aimed at formulating bills to simplify bureaucracy and reduce expectations and obligations on actions to safeguard marine environments.
This was a further step forward in the sign of a lasting collaboration that sees the scientific community in support of the activities carried out by Marevivo. Every project, every idea in fact always starts from the identification of an urgent problem, which is tried to transmit both to people – to push them to act – and to public opinion and the government, to get the adoption of laws aimed at solving it.
Saturday, however, was first dedicated to the presentation of the work of the whole Marevivo team: after a general introduction by Raffaella Giugni, Head of Institutional Relations, on the new campaigns carried out at this time, the representatives of the various units of the headquarters – from fundraising, to communication, to environmental education – took the floor to illustrate the results achieved so far and the objectives to be achieved together for the future, and the heads of the four Divisions, Spiagge&Coste, Diving, Sailing, Canoa&Kayak.
In the afternoon, Prof. Boero once again emphasized, with a lectio magistralis that offered many food for thought, the reason why the whole Association was gathered there: the sea, with its history and the fundamental water cycle, the crucial role it plays for our life on this Planet and the importance of protecting it.
The day of Sunday was finally reserved to the Delegations of Marevivo, our operating arms throughout Italy that transform into reality and concrete actions all our projects and ideas. From Sicily, to Veneto, from Puglia to Tuscany, from Campania to Liguria, all have shared the important goals achieved on the territory, which allow to raise awareness citizens, tourists who live especially in summer our coasts, but especially young students on the protection of the marine environment and its inhabitants, which passes from the small daily actions of each of us. Finally, we talked about the importance of Marine Protected Areas together with Giulia Visconti, recently appointed Director of the AMP of Capo Milazzo and some staff members.
The Convention, which saw great participation and enthusiasm, ended with a promise: we will continue, all together, to look in the same direction and work to protect the health of the sea and, therefore, our future and that of our children.