Guardian Dolphins of the Island is a project founded in 2009 in Capri to initiate primary and secondary school classes on Italy’s smaller islands, educational courses on the environment, and sustainability. During the school year the students, joined by the operators of Marevivo and teachers leave the classrooms to deepen their knowledge of their island under naturalistic and historic-cultural aspects. This also allows them to confront the menaces that weigh on the marine ecosystem and the Planet.
To this day, over 15 thousand students have been involved with their teachers and families in all the minor Italian islands. These students were granted a diploma in “Guardian Dolphins of the Island” at the end of the course, like true sentinels for land, environment, and sea defense.

“We are growing in a new generation of young women and men that are already influencing “sustainable” choices in their territories”.
Rosalba Giugni
Main Sponsor