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The school plays an essential role in the formation and education of kids. It can have a central role in sensitizing new generations to the menaces represented by the pollution of plastics, and the importance of protecting the environment and marine ecosystem. This is why we asked schools to become plastic-free, eliminating the use of disposable plastic.

How to join

Adhering schools

Educational material

Why adhere?

About us


How to adhere


Take a look at the network agreement found here.


Issue a School Board Resolution disposing of the willingness to join the Network.


Fill out and sign the Membership Form and email it to:


Issues a circular to students, school staff, and families with guidance on banning single-use plastics.


Adopt these good practices within the school


Come in contact with all the other schools and realities of the Network!

Adhering schools







Dicono di noi

The Headmistress of the Comprehensive Institute Via Nitti of Rome talks about her experience at a Plastic Free School.

Why adhere?

Joining the “Plastic Free Schools for a Sustainable Future” campaign means contributing right away to create a multiplier effect of what will be transmitted and shared with students, transferring it to family and friends and also coming to influence the general system of supply and demand with purchases in line with a more conscious and responsible lifestyle. Added to this are other opportunities that Marevivo will be able to propose for those who join the network: exchange of information, new projects, and partnerships, sharing experiences, open collaborations, educational visits, educational trips, and much more. All this is part of a project to promote environmental protection and the cultural and civic growth of our young people

The best practices

To favour the creation of virtuous mechanisms of motivation and self-motivation for environmental safeguard; to promote a vision of the environment as a common good to be taken care of; to encourage and support the training and information of teaching staff, Ata, students and parents on recycling and energy saving; to carry out actions to raise awareness among families and the neighborhood on good practices in favor of environmental protection and respect; to promote comparison and in-depth study among School Institutions on the identification of common strategies to protect the environment; enhance the skills and resources (logistical and professional) of individual SPFFS member institutions, as well as provide for the creation of a list of “good practices” to be disseminated to other School Institutions and educational institutions; develop and strengthen a “network culture,” raising awareness, involving and co-responsibilizing all parties (families, local authorities, associations, universities, institutions) in the planning and implementation of network projects.

Educational material

We have provided posters to be showed in the school, in-depth materials on environmental issues and video-tutorials. Once registered you will receive the first materials to download, in the following months new materials and video-tutorials will be uploaded on which you will be informed via email. We also created a private group on Facebook where you can get in touch with other schools in the network, share experiences and materials.

Where did the Network Agreement originate?

Since its launch in 2018, the campaign aimed at schools has evolved: the hundreds of adhesions received from all over Italy and the numerous requests for information and collaborations prompted Marevivo, together with the first two schools that joined the campaign the I.C. Via Baccano in Rome and the Istituto Bersagliere Urso-Mendola in Favara (AG), to sign a network agreement that is now open to all schools that intend to undertake a virtuous path aimed at promoting among students and teachers respect for and protection of the environment. The campaign anticipated the ban introduced last June 5 by Directive 2019/904 of the European Parliament and the EU Council, which, starting in 2021, will ban only some of the most common single-use plastic items, with the aim of promoting greater awareness and a more ecologically correct consciousness right from the youngest and their educators.

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