ActivitiesEnvironmental policies International Commitment Marevivo’s work on the national territory is closely linked to the collaboration with European and international actors and…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2022/11/2023
Biodiversity conservationClimate changeEnvironmental educationPollution ONLY ONE The international campaign launched by Marevivo, the Italian Navy, and the Dohrn Foundation on ecological transition, under the…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2029/06/2023
ActivitiesBlue News EnPollution #BastaVaschette Marevivo, in collaboration with Zero Waste Italy, launches the #BastaVaschette campaign to say no to plastic disposable packaging…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2028/02/2023
ActivitiesEnvironmental education RIDE THE WAVE After the final evaluation, the project has been identified as "Best Practice" and labeled as such in the…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2008/08/2022
ActivitiesClimate change Stop Drilling The Ministry of Economic Development has authorized the oil company Po Valley Operations to expand an existing title…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
ActivitiesEnvironmental education Plastic Free Schools for a Sustainable Future The school plays an essential role in the formation and education of kids. It can have a central…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
ActivitiesPollution End-of-Life Tires ELT Zero is a project of Marevivo and Ecotire that consists of the extraordinary collection on land and…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
ActivitiesPollution Plastic-Free and Beyond With the national “Plastic Free and Beyond” campaign, Marevivo calls for the elimination of disposable plastic, but also…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
ActivitiesEnvironmental education Guardian Dolphins Guardian Dolphins of the Island is a project founded in 2009 in Capri to initiate primary and secondary…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
Activities The Living Sea Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia | 9 June - 9 October 2022 The exhibition organized by Marevivo Onlus,…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2025/05/2022