Biodiversity conservationClimate changeEnvironmental educationPollution ONLY ONE The international campaign launched by Marevivo, the Italian Navy, and the Dohrn Foundation on ecological transition, under the…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2029/06/2023
ActivitiesClimate change Stop Drilling The Ministry of Economic Development has authorized the oil company Po Valley Operations to expand an existing title…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2026/05/2022
ActivitiesClimate change Sun, Wind and Sea The countdown indicating how much time remains for the Earth to save itself from climate change marks the"point…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2012/11/2021
ActivitiesClimate change Marevivo for Fridays For Future The #FridaysForFuture action started thanks to the Swedish demonstrator Greta Thunberg who for over a year skipped school…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2025/10/2021