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Diving Division

Our eyes in the sea

In 1989 the activity of the Diving Division of Marevivo began with the aim of actively involving the world of diving in initiatives aimed at monitoring the state of health of the sea, prevent the mechanisms of degradation and alteration of the marine ecosystem and activate actions aimed at the knowledge, enhancement and dissemination of marine heritage.

The Diving Division has a National Coordination whose task is to organize and support demonstrations in defense of the sea, counter situations of illegality, promote research campaigns in the Italian seabed of greatest biological interest; it also collects the membership of bodies, clubs, associations, diving or individual divers, and to assist them in the implementation of initiatives aimed at knowledge and enhancement of the sea.

Collection of used tyres

The Division supports the collection of unused tyres illegally abandoned on the seabed. The project, promoted from Marevivo and the Ecotyre, shows an extraordinary collection on the land and in the sea of PFU in particular in the backdrops of the harbour areas.

The campaign

Collection of ghost nets

The Division organizes the removal of nets and fishing gears abandoned in the Marine Protected Areas, thanks to the support of its divers and of Marine Protected Areas authorities. Ghost nets are one of the biggest threats to marine animals and it is estimated that 640,000 tonnes of them end up in the oceans every year.

The campaign


To support our Diving Division, which in 2019 celebrated its 30 years of activity, joined the freediving champions Mariafelicia Carraturo and Gianluca Genoni. Having them by our side will allow us to broaden our knowledge of the depths.

Join our Diving Division

Are you a diver or a Diving Center? Join us. Joining the Diving Division means raising awareness and promoting respect and environmental protection, reporting environmental emergencies and abuses, actively participating in campaigns and initiatives, educate divers to a correct approach to the marine environment or coordinate working groups during expeditions or interventions. An important contribution is the reporting of sightings at sea, such as the presence of submerged waste (ghost nets, batteries, tires, plastic) or the presence of jellyfish, sea turtles, cetaceans.

To join send an email to

Help us to monitor the health of our seas

Your reports are very important for mapping the presence of some of the most polluting waste and for monitoring the quantity and type of jellyfish present in our seas. Those who compile online at least 20 sighting cards will be awarded the title of Environmental Guardian of Marevivo and will receive by email the related certificate.


    Dati anagrafici utente

    Dettagli del luogo della segnalazione

    MareLagoPortoAcquee costiereMare aperto

    Dettagli delle batterie

    1 pzda 1 a 10 pzpiù di 10 pz

    Piccole (esempio pile AA-C-D)Medie (esempio da automobili)Grandi (esempio da barca/peschereccio)


      Dati anagrafici utente

      Dettagli del luogo della segnalazione

      MareLagoPortoAcquee costiereMare aperto


      meno di 10tra 10 e 100tra 100 e 500tra 500 e 1000

      meno di 10tra 10 e 100tra 100 e 500più di 500

      10cmmeno di 1 metroda 1 a 5mtda 5 a 10 mtda 10 a 20mt

      NavigazioneImmersioneNuotoCamminando lungo la costa


        Dati anagrafici utente

        Dettagli del luogo della segnalazione

        MareLagoPortoAcquee costiereMare aperto

        Dettagli della segnalazione

        1 pzda 1 a 10 pzpiù di 10 pz

        AutomobileCamionGrandi dimensioni


          Dati anagrafici utente

          Dettagli del luogo della segnalazione

          MareLagoPortoAcquee costiereMare aperto

          Dettagli dei rifiuti

          In sospensioneSommersa


          Ghost nets

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            Dettagli del luogo della segnalazione

            MareLagoPortoAcquee costiereMare aperto

            Dettagli delle reti

            Rete galleggianteRete sospesaRete sul fondale

            Piccola (meno di 25mt)Media (da 25 a 100mt)Grande (più di 100mt)

            Last activities

            No post found

            Other Divisions

            Beaches and shores