Blue News En Dead whale in Sorrento, Italy is the largest ever found in the Mediterranean A whale was found dead in Sorrento, Italy. The cetacean, which measures about 20 meters and weighs 75…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2022/01/2021
Blue News EnBlue News Politiche Ambientali NGOs urge the European Parliament to end secrecy in how fishing rules are enforced 72 civil society organisations from the EU and across the globe have called on Members of the European…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2014/01/2021
Blue News Climate ChangesBlue News En US elections 2020, Marevivo: «It is a positive day also for the oceans» The election of new President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris imposed a 360-degree change in the…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2009/11/2020
Blue News EnBlue News Politiche Ambientali Italy leader for the protection of the sea: Marevivo obtains the inclusion of the amendment that bans disposable plastic cups in the law of the EU Single Use Plastic Directive Marevivo is grateful to the member of the Italian Parliament Floridia, L’Abbate, La Mura, Moronese, Quarto e Lorefice,…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2018/09/2020
Blue News EnBlue News Politiche Ambientali Member States stalling on implementation of European plastic law while plastic littering surges “The communication failure at national level to explain that reusable food containers, water bottles or coffee cups, are…Mare_Vivo_Onlus_2016/07/2020